Compound Assignment Operators in Java
Java Programming

Compound Assignment Operators in Java


The compound assignment operator(+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,&=,|=,^=,<<=,>>=,>>>=) is a combination of the assignment operator and another operator such as an arithmetic operator. So they are also known as Shorthand assignment operators.


  Variable operator variable or constant

The following Table shows the compound assignment operators and their usage

Operator                    Expression(shorthand)                   meaning

+=                             vall+=increasee;                            vall=vall+increasee;

-=                             firstt-=25;                                          firstt=firstt-25;

/=                             firstt/=sec;                                         firstt=firstt/sec;

*=                            costt*=qtty+1;                                costt=costt*(qtty+1);

%=                          FIRR%=SECC;                                         FIRR=FIRR%SECC;

&=                          firstt&=seec;                                         firstt=firstt&seec;

|=                           firstt|=seec;                                          firstt=firstt|seec;

^=                           firstt^=seec;                                          firstt=firstt^seec;

<<=                        cpricee<<=spricee;                            cpricee=cpricee<<spricee;

>>=                        firstt>>=seec;                                         firstt=firstt>>seec;

>>>=                     biib>>>=niib;                                       biib=biib>>>niib;

Compound Assignment Operators with example

class CompoundAssignment


public static void main(String aa[])


int a,b,c;














Compound Assignment Operators in Java

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